sabbatical // Next up.
belief // 'Who am I? Where am I going?'
who-ness // At the risk of presenting a psychological profile.
zoom in // On proximity, on love.
change cascade // On reviewing patterns over years.
poetry // Iambic free verse.
self-reconstitution // Archetypal construct supplied as desired.
interaction and limitation // Every line of code becomes the instinct of a new breed.
la compositrice informatiquement // The GPT-2 is such a fascinating director.
unconscious // Thoughts on the psychological and religious macrocosm of the Internet.
four hours in a DAW // Step by step, how I produce podcasts.
game criticism // Old interfaces as artificial mediators with ancestors.
game criticism // As previously published on Polygon.
new companies, same gynoid // A life update about a new company.
film history // One of the first critically acclaimed beautiful messes.
film history // Imagine a world in which we grouped the films we watched by their sound designers.
poetry // As published in the University College Gargoyle.